Tainted \\ Coders

Custom Commands

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Lets say you’ve got a simple system that spawns something in your game:

fn spawn_boid(mut commands: Commands, assets: Res<BoidAssets>) {
        BoidBundle::new(0., 0.),
        MaterialMesh2dBundle {
            mesh: assets.mesh.clone().into(),
            material: assets.material.clone(),

We can extract out our logic into a much more testable Command by using custom commands:

pub struct SpawnBoid {
    pub position: Vec2,

impl SpawnBoid {
    pub fn random() -> Self {
        let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
        let x = rng.gen_range(-200.0..200.0);
        let y = rng.gen_range(-200.0..200.0);
        Self {
            position: Vec2::new(x, y),

impl Command for SpawnBoid {
    fn apply(self, world: &mut World) {
        let assets = world.get_resource::<BoidAssets>();

        if let Some(assets) = assets {
                BoidBundle::new(self.position.x, self.position.y),
                MaterialMesh2dBundle {
                    mesh: assets.mesh.clone().into(),
                    material: assets.material.clone(),

fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
    for _ in 0..100 {

We define custom commands by implementing Command which expects us to define apply to affect our World when commands are scheduled to run.

Instead of your normal system parameters you have direct mutable access to the World.

To call our commands we simply call Commands::add and pass the struct that implements Command with whatever options we want.

This can be a great way to break up complicated logic for creating nested entities, especially with UI nodes. It also makes the logic much easier to test as all we need to do is pass in a World we can create in our tests and observe the changes.

When you are using a World directly, some things can be somewhat less ergonomic. For example instead of having a BoidAssets resource, if we wanted to create the mesh and material in the command we could use WorldCell access:

let cell = world.cell();
let mut meshes = cell.get_resource_mut::<Assets<Mesh>>().unwrap();
let mut materials = cell.get_resource_mut::<Assets<ColorMaterial>>().unwrap();
let mesh = meshes.add(Mesh::from(Circle::new(BOID_SIZE)));
let material = materials.add(ColorMaterial::from(Color::rgb(1., 1., 1.)));

This allows mutable access to multiple resources without running into problems borrowing the world mutably twice.

As a safer alternative there is World::resource_scope which can give safer scoped access to our resources:

let mesh = world.resource_scope(|_world, mut meshes: Mut<Assets<Mesh>>| {

let material = world.resource_scope(|_world, mut materials: Mut<Assets<ColorMaterial>>| {
    materials.add(ColorMaterial::from(Color::rgb(1., 1., 1.)))

We are also not just limited to world based Command. If instead we wanted to implement commands for a specific entity we could:

struct RemoveEntity;

impl EntityCommand for RemoveEntity {
    fn apply(self, id: Entity, world: &mut World) {

fn cleanup_things(
    mut commands: Commands,
    query: Query<Entity>
) {
    for entity in &query {

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